The Departures Report allows you to enter search criteria and view the guests that are due to depart on a specific day.
The generated report shows the room number, room type, guest name, the date of check in, number of nights, room rate, the current folio balance, and the folio status. The totals section shows the number of rooms currently in-house departing (bedded), and the reserved rooms departing (bedded) (if any), with a final number of total departures.
The Departures Report may be generated in several ways throughout Skyware, including via the Full Menu and the Housekeeping Menu. It also appears in the standard set of Emergency Reports that may be generated for the Property, and a version is included in the Arrivals, Stayovers and Departures Report.
This will open the Departures Report screen.
There are several sections to choose from for your options in the Report:
Choose which (ONE) option for the departures you want for this report from a choice of three:
Remaining, (those guests expected to check out that have NOT yet done so)
Actual (guests that have already checked out today) or
The default option for display is Remaining.
The remaining options in this section may ALL be selected if desired.
Include Non-Bedded Rooms?: Check this box if you wish to have these included in the report.
Show Company and Group Names: Check this box if you wish to have these shown in the report.
Show Comments: Check this box if you wish to have these shown in the report.
Suppress Rate Information: Check this box if you DO NOT wish to have the rates shown in the report.
The default option is NONE selected.
Once you have made your selections for the Departures Report, you may choose how to have the Report generated.
By default, the report is generated in PDF form and opens in a separate browser window. You can, instead, choose to have the Report generated to HTML by checking the Generate report to HTML for exporting checkbox to use in another program.
Otherwise, click the orange button Show Departures.
The Departures Report will open in a new page, with all your specified information displayed.
This page may be viewed online or printed for use at the Front Desk.
Date Updated March 24, 2021